Version 1

Speaker: Daniel Yu

Daniel Yu is an ETH Alumnus and Senior Consultant of ipt. He holds a master’s degree in computer science from the ETH Zurich and specialized in his studies on Machine Learning. During his studies, he was a co-founder for a web 2.0 startup during its alpha phase, being in charge of the product development aspects of the projects. He now helps companies taking the next step towards self-learning systems and data-driven applications.

Daniel Yu is an ETH Alumnus and Senior Consultant of ipt. He holds a master’s degree in computer science from the ETH Zurich and specialized in his studies on Machine Learning. During his studies, he was a co-founder for a web 2.0 startup during its alpha phase, being in charge of the product development aspects of the projects. He now helps companies taking the next step towards self-learning systems and data-driven applications.

