Lecture: Web of Things for Semantic Building Automation
Company: Siemens Schweiz AG
Speaker: Dr. Matthias Kovatsch, Ganesh Ramanathan
Matthias is a Senior Research Scientist at Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich, Germany and ETH alumni with a focus on Web technology for networked embedded systems. He is active in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as member of the IoT Directorate, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as co-chair of the Web of Things Interest and Working Group, and active in open source software as creator of the Eclipse Californium (Cf) CoAP framework, Contiki’s Erbium (Er) REST Engine, and project lead for Eclipse Thingweb.
Ganesh is a software architect in the field of Building Automation systems and works for Siemens Building Technologies at Zug, Switzerland. The subject of his Master’s thesis at ETH Zurich on using Web of Things in the automation systems domain resulted in one of the largest projects involving semantic technologies at Siemens Building Technologies.
Semantic Web of Things in Building Automation
Building Automation systems present a particularly difficult problem when it comes to device interoperability. Devices such as sensors, actuators, and controllers interoperate only when they strictly adhere to one and the same of many standards. Yet even then, they usually do not provide the desired semantic interoperability, where devices would not only exchange messages, but also become aware of the context and meaning of data and commands to ensure correct operation and lower engineering and maintenance costs. In fact, this problem is more widely visible with the growing adaption of the Internet of Things, where more and more devices are becoming “connected.”
One of the promising approaches in solving the problem of both technical and semantic interoperability is by adopting concepts and technology that made the Web successful. This initiative is known as the Web of Things (WoT), which has its roots at the Institute of Pervasive Computing at ETH Zurich and has now become a global standardization effort within the W3C.
We applied Web of Things in the domain of Building Automation and in this talk we will introduce you the principles behind the approach and our experiences with its commercial implementation.
Start time:
G 11
Computer Science
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