Workshop: Service Mesh: How to Tame your Microservices

Ever since Netflix & Co. have popularized the microservice architectural style some years ago by turning their monolithic backend applications into independent, scalable and resilient services, many companies have tried (and often failed) to replicate their success. One of the big challenges with microservice architectures, especially in the corporate world, is how to make sure that all these autonomous microservices work together efficiently and adhere to common organizational standards.

In this hands-on workshop, students will learn how to build a microservice-based application using a Service Mesh. A service mesh is an emerging technology for cloud-native applications that enables microservices to communicate with each other without having to implement basic capabilities such as service discovery, load balancing, resilience etc. themselves.

In particular, students will learn about the following crucial functionalities:
- Service Discovery: How are distributed microservices able to find each other?
- Service Configuration: How can services retrieve their individual configuration at runtime?
- Service Segmentation: How does authorization work with autonomous services?

The hands-on exercises are based on the open source product HashiCorp Consul 1.2 which was release in June 2018.


Day: 2018-10-06
Start time: 13:35
Duration: 02:00
Room: G 52
Track: Computer Science



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